Review and Approve Project Expenses

After Project Expenses are submitted, Expense approvers can review and approve project timesheets.  



  1. Navigate to Purchasing / Project Expenses / My Expense Reports to Approve view
  2. If returning to the Expense Report, enter Notes in the Timeline so the user knows why the timesheet is being returned.
  3. Click Approval / Approve to approve the Project Expense Report or Approval / Return to return the Project Expense to project resource.


  • New:  Initial status of the expense report, it represents a timesheet that is in progress and being edited by its owner.
  • Submitted:  Optional Status. A user can ‘submit’ an expense report for approval.  ProjectStream includes an out-of-box workflow that supports a basic expense approval process. This workflow can be modified using the Microsoft CRM workflow tool.  The workflow sends automatic notifications and updates the owner to the Expense Approver maintained on the Project Resource record.
  • Approved:  Represents that a submitted Timesheet has been approved by the Timesheet Approver. The workflow sends a notification to the owner that time has been approved and the Timesheet is ready for posting.
  • Returned:  Represents a submitted timesheet that has been returned by the Timesheet Approver. The workflow sends a notification to the Project Resource that the time has been rejected, and includes notes from the Approver.  It also re-assigns the timesheet back to the Project Resource and it is available in their My Open Timesheets view.
  • Posted:  Represents the status of a successfully posted Expense Report.

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